Friday, January 4, 2008

Sorry Hillary

Let it be known the Shoe Box is not a political website. We are however committed to not having an ugly president. The recent Iowa Democratic Caucus did not go Hilary's way, showing her that third place looks like. She finished looking at the rear ends of Obama and South Carolina's own- John Edwards. Hilary said she vowed to take her enthusiasm on to new Hampshire, said all in front of thousands of screaming idiots. Again, do not make the mistake of thinking The Shoe Box is a political website. Just ask yourself- do I want that ugly of a woman representing me and my country ? If the answer is yes - get off of our blog right now . And as far as this "enthisiam" goes Hilary - feel free to take that 3rd place style all the way to New Hampshire, and anywhere else you want after that. 

1 comment:

nails said...

she is surely ugly as sin.