1. Nails is an idiot. Today he purchased a BMX bike from the mall, and insisted he ride it out of the store. On the way home, he was dancing/humping so hard- the drivers in the other lane almost wrecked . Finally, when he was leaving just now he had on a pair of Abercrombie pants that would have been tight on Darla.
2. The Grammy's are on right now . Kanye West just performed , and was brilliant as usual. As a side note, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my mother. Big Ups to 'Ye for having the courage to do that. He better win album of the year too- Graduation was DANK. However, if he does not win, I hope he has another trademark meltdown.
3. Valentine's Day is upon us. This day comes around every year and reminds everyone how lucky they are , or how much their lives suck. What a difference a year makes. This time last year I was lost in a bottle, drinking icehouse with Daniel Moss and watching The Notebook over and over with Rodger. This year I am engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world. She is my everything and I don't need a day to tell her that. No words can express my feelings for her. Love You Sunshine !
4. Speaking of Mrs. Bambi- let's give her a big round of applause. This week she signed a contract with some big company that will remain nameless( don't want to get anyone in trouble). She beat out several older candidates with more experience. The future is so bright for her, we should all be wearing sunglasses. Speaking of futures, I decided this week to become a stay at home dad. With Anna making enough money for the both of us , I will stay home and "babysit." By babysit, I mean play video game, hang out in the pool, and have over my fellow stay-at-home-dad-buddies. I haven't convinced Anna yet, but it will happen.
5. Working and School is lame. I long for the day when school is my work and I am actually getting paid. The whole "2 jobs while studying" thing is wayyyy over rated.
6. Shout outs go to my gramps this week. The man affectionately known as "pokey" turned 93 this week. Ninety three years old , and still kicking. He still fishes, gardens, pulls for the Braves, loves country music, and breaks the ladies hearts. Love You Gramps !
7. I have decided to take part in the annual Cooper River Bridge run in Charleston this year. It is a little less than 6 miles, and I am looking forward to the training. My mother will be walking in it . It is a special day for us because it is on her mother's birthday. Mom walked it the first time last year and had a good time . She lost some weight and got closer to her fam in training, so she had a great experience. This year she wants to finish so she can get a poster. She loves anything with stars on it . Training begins tomorrow. Stay tuned for more.
8. The race for the presidency is heating up. Mitt Romeny dropped out this week, leaving only Huckabee to catch McCain on the Republican side. On the other side, Hillary and Obama are still duking it out. The two are running a tight race, which hasn't become dirty yet. No mud slinging to speak of - and that is disappointing. Anybody but Hillary ' 08.
9. Mad props go to the New York football Giants this week. In what was arguably the biggest upset in Superbowl history, the Giants executed their game plan to perfection, and did what no one else could all season, beating the Pats.
10. Being around little children is a great form of birth control. Having a house full of crying young'ns yesterday made me want to wait a little longer.
That's all for this week. Be good to each other.
1 comment:
my bike is fresh, my pants are tight but dont worry bout it bitch
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