In loving memory of the best dog in the world.
Shaq's cd came with the game Shaq Fu and if you didn't have that you were not the coolest kid in elementary school.
Well boys and girls the Jordan XX3 have official dropped and sneaker heads have been in lines for days. Personally I love the Jordan series of sneakers, V being my favorite, but this XX3 isn't really catching my eye. Sure its got his thumb print, sewn to perfection, and is green(made from recycled junk) but they aren't the V's or the III's that just say "Damn those are funky fresh!" So here is a nice lil' video and you decide for yourself. However, if you weren't in line about six days in advance you probably won't be scooping them soon.
This weekend is the NBA All-Star game and with that comes all the skills challenges. The best of them all of course is the dunk contest. This year there was a clear winner from the very first round. Dwight Howard first threw the ball off the back of the backboard and slammed it home. Gerald Green, the defending champ, slammed one home while blowing out a candle atop the net, pretty damn good actually. However, he was no match for Dwight Howard. The second round he did the superman dunk, and yes that is St. Joe's own Jameer Nelson. Finally, in the third and final round Dwight threw the ball up, tapped it off the board, and yammed it with the opposite hand. Tonight is the All-Star game itself and as always will be AI's personal playground. Check it out.
Bambi went skiing so I'm blessing you with some drunken ODB freestyle. You're welcome!