Old but still funny.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Nice Belt
Nails and I have recently discovered the joys of walking to class. The smells from the commons bing back memories, and the exercise is good, but mostly we just like to make fun of freshmen. We often like to make silly voices that mimic the thoughts coming from their young , foolish heads. For example, if we see a guy with a weak jordan track suit we will say something like : "oh what bro this jordan track suit ? oh yeah its straight from the nike outlet bro- mj has the same one ." You get the idea. This girls belt is the best we have seen. Her thoughts went something like this : "Oh what Tracy? Hell yes I am wearing my Senor Frogs belt. Arent You? Why wouldn't I - I love to get drunk and go dance there . I love seeing my boy Chad there and dancing like a whore . Why wouldn't I wear this belt?" Freshmen.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Pat Gillick was acquired by the Phillies to help build a winner. Yes we won the NL East last year and did it with out pitching but that won't last. We cannot always rely on Utley, Howard, and Rollins. So, while Gillick is going after outfielders and third basemen, that we already have, the Mets are getting Johan Santana. Gillick we need pitching you idiot, step your game up.
Street Bangers
In South Carolina we don't get the DJ Doc B spinnin' the Old School Lunch Buffet or the Drive at 5. We also don't get the Hot Boyz with Uncle O and their non-sense including: the 8 o'clock mixtape with Dj Comsic Strictly Skillz Kev blazin' the 1's and 2's, the Hot 9 at 9, Eddie F's sports report, the Friday Night Freestyle Marathon, and DJ Diamond Kuts. So, thanks to the wonderful world wide web I can listen to Philly's #1 Station Bangin' Hip Hop and R&B!
Monday, January 28, 2008
I See You Wilson!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wayne's In Da Cell

One Sentence Summary : The Kingdom
Sorry Hillary

The Shoe Box is proud to bring you breaking news. Obama won South Carolinas nomination last night , beating Hilary like a red headed step child. Hilary managed a mere 26 % of the moronic vote. Let it be stated again, The Shoe Box is not a political website. Readers should be reminded however, we are against having an ugly president. No woman with hind quarters that big, and teeth that horse-ish will represent me . I am not an Obama supporter, but I am glad Hilary's and Bill's dirty tactics did not work this week. The politics go to Florida this week - keep an eye out.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Free Style Fridays-Guidos

There's these fags in our class, they don't deserve to keep breathin'
Freestyle Friday-Guidos

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wing Bowl 16

For the past 16 years in Philadelphia a great event takes place. This event is the Wing Bowl. This bowl is better than the Super Bowl, Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, or any other bowl for that matter put together. For those who don't know, the Wing Bowl is the greatest wing eating competition in the history of the world. Past winners include: El Wingador(5 time champ) and Joey Chestnut(2 time champ). These two will go head-to-head Feb. 1st in the showdown in the hot sauce.
Throwback Thursdays: It's not every Thursday you get two!
Please take notice to the Eagles jacket.
Mr. Rogers gets funky.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Suicide Suicide

It is now the second week of the Spring semester and I have fallen back into the fast food/eating out meal plan. With this comes the wonderful invention of the soda dispenser and with that comes the drink of choice, The Suicide. The suicide, if it really needs an explanation, is when you combine all of the possible sodas to make one delicious drink. Now every restaurant will have a soda dispenser some will have many options and some will come up short. When a restaurant comes up short you will obviously have to go with the basic Suicide, this includes: coke/pepsi, sprite(a staple), a smidge of diet, mountain due/mellow yellow, and dr. pepper/mr. pip. For those of you who enjoy the finer things in life you will avoid these lackluster restaurants and go to elite establishments. When you enter one of these establishments you will see several choices that will spice up your life. To make the best Suicide possible these establishments will include: root beer, orange sodas, cherry sodas, cherry coke, a smidge of lemonade, and grape sodas. Be careful not to go overboard with these they are simply complement flavors. The ice is something that must be done carefully as well, please do not fill the cup up with ice because that will interfere with the amount of soda you can put in the cup. Finally, if by chance you receive a large cup and do not fill it to the top with the ingredients finish it off with the staple sprite. Pictured above are several restaurants that great choices for your Suicide concoction.
Monday, January 21, 2008
All 4 Love
Trapped 1-5
You know you loved it when it first dropped. So, here it is again enjoy. The others will be coming SOON!
Tennis Anyone?

As Bambi stated before the G-Men and Pats have made it to Super Bowl 42, however there is still some tennis going on down under. With Roddick sucking as usual and Fish not doing so hot either James Blake is Americas only hope to bring home that big silver thing they give out. Blake meets Federer next round.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Rap Music: Things I Miss

10 Things I Think I Think

It's Sunday, and you know what that means ! The time has come for 10 Things I Think I Think ! I won't waste any time, so here goes nothing.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I Hate You Nails
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sup Shawty?

Free Style Fridays-Baby Mama Drama
Freestyle Friday-baby mama

Southern Fried Chicken
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Forbes #1

New Power Couple
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Open Season

10 Things I Think I Think

I cant honestly say today has been one of the more boring days of my life. It has been not unlike the past week. In the last week, I have truly gotten nothing accomplished. I am so ready to start school on Wednesday. That's why today I have decided to declare Sundays from now on Recap Sundays - It will serve as a time for reflection. It will include "things i think i think" - an act of flattery to Peter Kings Monday Morning QB on si.com, which includes "10 things i think i think". Anyway, here goes the past week, in simple form. The list is a reflection of how the past week has gone.
Friday, January 11, 2008
FreeStyle Friday- Engagement

let me hit the mic again , even if yall ain't listenin
Freestyle Fridayz-Engagement
yo, yo, yo turn my mic up!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Food Network Chefs Reviewed

Gida De Laurintiis
Holy cow. Is this lady sexual? Clearly. Her show is 3 minutes of cooking, 3 minutes of handwashing, and 20 minutes of cleve shots. I'm sure Gida is a nice girl, but she seems a bit unapproachable. She has the foreign thing working for her, but that scares me off a little . Secondly, what is with the eggplant? She makes eggplant ice cream, eggplant hamburgers, eggplant omelette's, etc. Her dishes are way different, and a little out of my league. Final ranking is a 7, but 6 of those points are just from looks. The day I see her fry something that isn't eggplant- Instant 8.

Ina Garten
It is no secret that I like the bigger ladies. Ina has it all: cooking ability, nice hair , killer eyes, nice smile, and popper collar. Her recipes are simple and easy, and I enjoy her show . Overall ranking is 6- 3 for looks and 3 for cooking.

Alton Brown
Let me start by saying no homo. Is Alton Sexy? No. Can Alton cook? You better believe it . Alton's show is awesome because he doesn't only tell you how to cook, he explains why things work the way they do. Alton keeps the food simple, but it works. On a
scale of 1-10, Alton gets a 5. The 5 points come merely from cooking ability.

Rachel Ray
Get out of my face. Rachel Ray this and Rachel Ray that. I am over Rachel Ray. Sure, RR is cute at first glance, but at second glance, not so much. Rachel Ray's hands make Shaq's hands look small. I'm 80 % sure RR could palm planet earth. A lesser known fact about RR is her voice is played in a prison camps in other countries. Rachel Ray takes a lot of risks in the kitchen. Her dishes are average, but why rush it every day? Thirty minutes is okay but lets take it slow Rachel ! Overall ranking is 6.

Sandra is at the top of my list. No Sandra, it does not go unnoticed that your sweater is too tight . Sandra has a taste for the finer things in life, including nice wine. Though her recipes are a little upscale, it's forgivable because of her look. Her ranking is an 9.5, just because I don't give 10's.

Paula Deen
Paula Deen is the mayo to my sandwich. She is the peanut butter to my chocolate. The milk to my cookie. The accent. The hair. The eyes. The butter. Paula is the kind of gal you can bring home to Mama. She is also the kind of girl that will not order a salad at dinner. That is unless it has fried chicken on top. Paula's signature dish is called "better than sex cake." Paula is on record saying the cake is good, but nothing is better than. . . you get the idea. Her recipes are usually delicious, never too complicated, and scream confederacy. Paula is the only gal that can make my heart beat faster, and my cholesterol level rise. Overall ranking on the 1-10 scale is 64.
Run DMC On Reading Rainbow
Kickin' it old school with Run before he had a house and my main man from Reading Rainbow. Reading is a fresh way to learn.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Net Gun

Northern Hospitality
College Football Recap

As predicted on The Shoe Box, LSU defeated Ohio State last night easily to become the first two loss team to win a national championship. More on that later , first lets have a bowl recap.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Do Work
As I am sitting here, sick, watching the BCS Championship game I can only think of one thing. The new season of Rob & Big. The third season kicks off tomorrow at 10:30pm on MTV. I have seen the trailer and it looks even more off the wall than the first two. Along with the season premiere tomorrow Rob & Big are putting their first two seasons on sales racks around the nation. So, tomorrow I will be going to Best Buy scooping up those seasons, possibly buying a Big Black shirt, and watching Rob & Big all day long.
This is Chuck. Chuck comes on Monday nights at 8. I feel like its a good show , but I don't think anyone is watching it . The premise is interesting . A nerd magically obtains all of the government secrets and is now working to help catch bad guys with the help of a beautiful lady and a big bad FBI agent. The babe is hot, and Chuck is funny. Chucks sister is my favorite. Check it out tonight . Also on tonight is the College Football National Championship. More to come on this tomorrow , but let me just say LSU wins tonight - at least by 14.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
R.I.P. Old Dirty Bastard

Return of the American Gladiators
Click here for more information on tonight's American Gladiators
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Guitar Queero
When I play guitar hero i think to myself - am I a loser? Then I watched this video and I knew I was safe. Also. . . I think this is Anna.